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for investing in Our Kids!


Your support for Crossroads is critical to advancing our mission of empowering young people to realize their potential and positively impact the world.1OO% of the costs of our youth development programs are funded by donations like yours.


Crossroads, Inc. is a 5O1(c)3 organization; our tax-id number is: O4-21O3837

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To Mail A Donation

Please make checks payable to Crossroads and mail to:


Attention: Development
119 Myrtle Street
Duxbury, MA O2332

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corporate Matching Gifts

Corporate matching gifts are a great way for Crossroads supporters to maximize personal contributions and increase the impact of their gift. By taking advantage of a company’s matching gift benefit, you may be able to double or even triple the amount of your contribution.


Completed matching gift forms and your personal gift can be sent to:

Attention: Development
119 Myrtle Street
Duxbury, MA O2332

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make a Gift of Stock

Making a gift of stock can be a wise way of contributing to Crossroads.
Please contact Monika Schlaak at 617.765.7568 in advance if you are transmitting securities. Please provide the name of stock and number of shares you are transferring. 

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consider Donor Advised Gifts

A donor advised fund (DAF) is a charitable giving program that allows you to support Crossroads. If you have a donor advised fund managed by Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, or BNY Mellon Charitable, you can use DAF Direct to recommend a gift to Crossroads directly. Just enter an amount in the form below and click NEXT to complete your recommendation!

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consider an IRA Charitable Rollover

If you are 70 ½ or older, you can make a distribution from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA) to Crossroads without incurring tax on the withdrawal. This distribution is excluded from your adjusted gross income and counts toward your annual Required Minimum Distribution (RMD). Speak with your financial advisor or accountant for complete details and ask them if giving directly from your IRA makes sense for you.

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consider Planned Giving

A planned gift  to Crossroads may offer advantages to you and your loved ones. With the advice of your attorney, you can arrange a specific amount, a percentage, or even all or part of the residual of your will. Generally, bequests are not subject to state inheritance or estate taxes. Consult your attorney to determine tax benefits.


If you have included Crossroads in your will or estate plan, please contact the Development Office at 617.765.7568 or so we can properly thank you and honor your generosity. Please be assured, we hold and maintain all information and discussions in the strictest confidence.

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Please email Director of Development, Monika Schlaak or call 617.765.7568.

other ways to get involved


corporate work days 

We're currently seeking corporate and community groups of 1O - 5O+ to help us open and close our three summer sites: Camp Wing (Duxbury), Camp Mitton (Brewster), and Camp Lapham (Ashby). Each work day will feature both indoor and outdoor activities. Specific projects may include cleaning and setting up cabins, kitchens, dining halls and bathrooms, clearing and raking of leaves and branches, painting cabins, setting up camp activity areas such as archery ranges and boating, and servicing bikes.


We typically host groups from mid-April to early June to open our camps, and from early September to late October to close our camps. Occasionally, service days are available outside of these windows. While Monday to Friday work day scheduling is preferred, some weekend dates may be available.


If you are interested in learning more, please contact Ben Palmer, Director of Operations.

Emerging leaders​

The Crossroads Emerging Leaders are a collection of Greater Boston young professionals who believe in giving back to their communities and supporting the development of the next generation of leaders.


Emerging Leaders host fun and innovative events in Greater Boston to educate their networks about Crossroads and our amazing young people, as well as engage with Crossroads youth as they explore future career opportunities, and above all have a great time!

Email Monika Schlaak to learn more about getting involved with our Emerging Leaders!

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