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Monday, September 22

Wianno Golf Club, Osterville

Get ready for another fabulous day of golf to support Crossroads! The annual Crossroads C5 Golf Classic is a much-anticipated, full day of friendly competition and camaraderie on a beautiful course—complete with prizes, delicious food, inspirational young leaders and an enthusiastic community. Last year's outing sold out so become a sponsor today!


Each year, with the generous support of our Golf Classic sponsors, donors and participants, Crossroads empowers our C5 Leaders to explore, discover themselves, and realize their unlimited potential. We so appreciate your support and look forward to another successful event together!


Our tournament goal this year is to fully fund the first year of our incoming C5 Class of 2O3O (grade 8). It costs Crossroads $5,OOO per student to provide year -round programs that help teens find their voices and create positive futures.



Secure your spot by REGISTERING today!






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Our goal is to fully fund the first year of our incoming C5 Class of 203O (grade 8)
through the support generated by this memorable outing.

It costs Crossroads $5,OOO per student per year of transformative, impactful programs and experiences.


If we raise $4OO,OOO via this year's golf classic,
we can launch our first year C5 leaders on their five-year journey to
dream BIG and create a future of their making.


If you would like to help make this happen please donate here.

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Hear from six C5 Leaders 

Joe Swan and crew
Jill Zimmer, Amy O'Connor, DD Allenand Sharon Fownes
Pat Leahy meets C5 Alumni
Chris, Brian, Carmen and Tom
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